
In today’s ultra-competitive business environment, one of the best things that you can do in order to make sure that your business stands out above others is to make sure that your company is listed in searchable ways. This is a constantly changing algorithm right now, so you have to remain flexible, but the idea is that you want as much digital presence as possible.

Five ways in particular to make sure that your business is listed in this digital manner include making sure that you are available on appointment finders, utilizing social media hashtags, writing SEO-appropriate articles, being able to search for review posts from customers and clients, and seeing if you can get on any “best of” lists.

Appointment Finders

When you use appointment finders, you can find out any available slots for getting certain services accomplished, like doctor’s appointments, dentist appointments, or even things like available times for massages. If your business offers services that require appointments, you to make sure that the appointment fighters can find you. To do that, you have to have enough of a legitimate digital presence that those appointment finders can note your services and your check-in times with no issue.

Social Media Hashtags

Another way to make your business is search-friendly is if you can figure out how to associate yourself with social media hashtags. Hashtags have become more popular recently because they are a crowd-friendly way of getting ideas across in a concrete manner that tech savvy people can use to find the exact information they want quickly. If you reverse engineer social media hashtags to include your company name and product line, this is a huge benefit to you in the long run.

SEO-Appropriate Articles

Learning search engine optimization techniques for business is going to be a huge benefit in terms of making sure that your business is listed in searchable formats as well. Because Google’s algorithms don’t necessarily understand what your company does without explicit instructions, if you understand how to type those instructions in in an easily readable format, then you have that advantage when people are typing in certain search strings, especially if you have them in educational-article format with proper headlines and navigation.

Review Posts From Customers

When people search for certain goods and services, they will often look for client and customer reviews of certain companies. If you have a good digital presence in terms of people posting that they had good experiences with you and your brand, then this goes a long way to making sure you have a solid online positive presence as well. If there is a way for you to suggest to happy customers that they write about their experience, you should definitely incorporate that into your promotional concept.

“Best Of” Lists

If you can get your company, brand, or maybe a product that you sell on any sort of “Best Of” list, that’s an excellent way to make sure that your business is listed in a searchable format as well. There are countless websites that simply aggregate these “best of” categories, and if they link to your page specifically, then that is a huge positive when it comes to search engine optimization and Google’s algorithms as well.

Originally posted on June 2, 2017 @ 10:59 pm

Business, SEO, Tips